From a young age, psychic ability came to me as just a ‘matter of a fact’ type information. I never questioned if it was real or not....it just was.
These unique abilities were discouraged until years later when, after trying to hold them down (like holding a beach ball underwater) they powerfully and blatantly resurfaced. I tried desperately to remain true, humble and devoted, and found a saying that I put on my bedroom wall that said, "No other talent exceeds that of Spirituality.” Although I tried to quietly just be me, I was taunted in High School as being "Too Spiritual” and it was given a negative connotation. I decided then and there, that it was my path in life to gain spiritual wisdom, regardless of what the world thought. |
At the age of 16, my higher self "walked into the body" I am currently inhabiting. The higher aspects of me integrated with the physical body I had been years attuned with as 'Holly' and basically walked into the body of a previous inhabitant. I was fully aware of this whole process as is was happening. The process took about 6 hours to complete. I cannot begin to tell you how strange this whole experience was, walking into a world where everyone you knew remembered you and you were 'playing the part' of being "Holly". Having integrated the prior life of "Holly", I still go by Holly as I have her cellular memories contained within my body.
Being in a religion which basically did not support these types of abilities in women, I felt forced to hide them. What little I did share was usually not understood or accepted.
I remember a Bishop who called me into his office and said, "Holly, I hear you have visions." I thought, "Oh no, here we go again".... but was shocked when he asked me if I would teach him how he could have them as well. He learned rapidly from what I shared and within several weeks called me up to share his first of many visions.
Although a rare moment..... it taught me that I was here for a reason.
In 1999,my body became severely ill with Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis to the extent that I became bedridden. (I have since learned that the combination of these two diseases is the number 1 most painful combination of all the illnesses there is.)
Not only did every muscle on my body painfully throb 24 hours a day but, my joints swelled and I began to lose use of my hands, hips and shoulders and began walking like a 90 year old woman.
I spent most of my time in bed, and didn't understand how this could happen to me. I was a mother raising 6 children and went from being the caretaker...to the one who was being taken care of.
It was "pure devastation" and began my initial stages of "wondering why".
During that time of great sadness and despair a wonderful process was taking place. I began to understand that although my physical was being challenged my spirit could forge ahead. Instead of helping others by taking in meals and serving in physical ways, I could offer prayer and hope.
I now see how this paved the way for me to open my abilities back up as miracles began to occur on a regular basis with those who asked me to pray for them.
I knew something incredible was happening. The power of my mind and intention, coupled with love, was making a profound difference in the lives of others. Miracles were occurring all around me.
Through these trials...I became aware of Reiki and researched it for several years before taking the plunge. This process of becoming attuned blew the doors wide open on my psychic and mediumship abilities. This became a huge problem for my religious beliefs since the information I was receiving from Ascended Masters and Archangels was not necessarily in sync with my religious foundation.
One evening a friend asked me if I wanted to have an Angel Card reading. I was intrigued and very curious but also nervous that I might be playing with something I shouldn't be playing with (Angels...seriously? Programming!)
In my religious training interacting with angels wasn't exactly taught as something you just "did".
I accepted the invitation for the Angel Reading and my dear girlfriend gave me a reading that was so clear, so heartfelt, so accurate I went home and pondered on it for hours. I knew something was happening to me and I couldn't deny it. I decided I wanted to see an angel and I wanted proof. I was going to pray deeply. As I knelt in prayer I pleaded to see an angel. I was so deeply sincere, almost as if I 'knew' it was going to happen.
Sure enough, one evening several weeks later, as I knelt to pray I heard a voice say, "Look up." I did...and the most glorious being I had ever encountered was floating above me in the air. She was so very large and had wings that were massive. She was beautiful beyond imagination and she spoke to me not in a voice, but clearly through the power of her mind. She spoke to me as if she had always known me, known my life and already knew my struggles and challenges without saying anything. I later learned that this being was my Higher Self that I was integrating. She was a Double Diamond Oraphim Oracle.
She told me that my path was going to change drastically and all that I had known would be left behind. I immediately felt such love and truth with every word she said. She spoke with me for what seemed like about 20 minutes on taking a new path spiritually. She also said that this new path was what I had volunteered to come here to earth to do. There was so much more to the message but I'm trying to give you the focus on the event, not the details. I had to replay the conversation in my mind again and again for days, for if what she was saying was true, it would require a sacrifice deeper than I'd ever thought possible.
My life changed in that moment. I awaited continued communication from her and it came consistently and with challenges...as my "old mode of thinking" had to be discarded for the newer and higher levels of truths she was teaching me (reminding me of).
More guides and angels came to teach me, more visions, and knowledge flowed into me. I was being taught by those not of this earth plane. They taught me that the ladder of truth has many rungs to it, and many primary truths must be let go of if I am to reach the next level of truth, higher perspective and love. It was beautiful, but these new truths also had great repercussions upon the life I had built up to that point.
My religion and all the people I had loved and cared for, along with most of my own family members, did NOT understand, and I gather they felt they could not support me anymore. I felt judged and felt very abandoned by them. I was also counseled by my religious leaders to conform, or I wouldn't be allowed to interact with them anymore. I was so distraught as I KNEW what I was doing was lovely and pure and had such Christed energy in it, how could doing what I was doing be wrong?
I continued to look for answers consistently turning to Spirit to teach me.
A few weeks after my "Angel Experience" I remember I was sitting on my couch and watched as a subway type vehicle drove across my living room and stopped in front of me. The doors flew open and I was inundated with spirits from the other side getting off the subway and wanting me to help them. The visual was mind boggling to say the least. I yelled for my Spirit Guide and asked him to help me! He gently told everyone that I was not prepared yet to assist them, and to kindly give me my space.
After that, I chose to stay true to this course of being taught so that I could assist the many that desired assistance. This proved to be quite a lonely process as I became estranged from my earthly family. They wanted the old me back, and with this unrest and desire for me to 'comply' to these situations brought about extreme anxiety and more of a desire to be true to myself. I love my family. I did not want to have the family being upset over my changes. But even with that deep, deep love for them, I knew that I could not be true to them if I wasn't living true to myself. These opportunities allowed me to see what love looks like by experiencing what love did NOT look like. It showed me contrast and gave me perspective.
Eventually, I set out on a path of my own. I had this desire....this need to experience what love looked like....and to test the truths of what I was being taught.
I fully understood how I was being treated by my family was not of love but of their feeling 'out of control' in not being able to get me to change me back into what they wanted, what they were used to, their old Mom, spouse, friend. I keep my heart open still holding a place of love hoping they will find a way to the path of unconditional love, forgiveness and the possibility of a greater, healthier relationship.
At a certain point, all paths to my career choices began being difficult for me as Spirit was showing me that it was time to begin my Spiritual Career. There was a great many fears I had to overcome as I made this transition however, I'm so very thankful for staying true.
Eventually, I went from a high paying sales job to being a Medium, then added other 'services' along the way: medical intuitive, psychic readings, angelic channeling, ascended master channeling, investigative, financial and relationships, and mentoring. The assigned Oracle Energies began to flow into me as I meditated I began to hear such beautiful messages (through channeling). The understanding of Higher Selves Construction and multi-dimensionality came through with the various energies aligning to that of my true nature...A Double Diamond Light Oraphim Crystal Oracle.
This has been the most "Grand Adventure Ever" and I stand grateful and in awe of such spirit support. When one is true to oneself, a deep peace and freedom arise within. When all is right within, the world can be complete chaos without and yet remain peaceful inside.
I think there is a moment in everyone's life when you move into your purpose here on earth. For so long it seems like such an elusive path...wondering if you'll ever find it. As you continue to have that desire and memory of why you came to earth restored to you, it will begin to unveil itself to you piece by piece. Eventually a picture begins to develop of what you are passionate about, what your gifts are, and the connection and magnetic pull to those who are here to assist or who you are to assist will flow forth.
I would’ve never dreamed myself of being an Oracle/Channel for anything in the world. It was not something I aspired to nor openly invited into my life. It was not something I was taught in my youth or passed down from my family. It was something I was put here to do, an innate desire to find truth where truth exists. In the process of finding out why I was here, I found my true nature and the promise of freedom and knowledge far beyond this earthly sojourn.
To be completely honest, I was a reluctant medium/psychic for years...staying in the closet and not wanting to accept it because of fear of not being accepted and being different. To accept it and embrace it meant an entire life change which affected my family, friends, religion and career choices.
I knew that 99% of all my support group would leave me and think I had lost my mind. What I did not understand was I was being lead to a community where I would be embraced by those seeking truth and love. My abilities would now be embraced, valued and appreciated. Had I only known when I let go of that rung on my ladder of indoctrinated beliefs... that more love, friendships and purpose would flow in abundantly to support and gather me into the arms of love.
Granted it took awhile for that to come about as I redirected my time and energy on being love unconditional and on attracting those who exhibited the same desires.
My Creed:
“Christ/Buddha Consciousness; an attitude and philosophy of life that creates unconditional love, oneness, joy, inner peace, equanimity, non judgmental, forgiveness, and compassion."
My life has been full of GREAT opportunities to grow. Each one of these experiences reinforces and reminds me of the highly intelligent and loving being I am. Each experience gives me practice in moving into Mastery of Mind, Body and Spirit. I give honor to these opportunities for growth and expansion. It's all about the game of remembrance and of the possibilities to find your higher self once again in a new and profound way.
In many ways I am just your normal everyday down to earth person but, these experiences as an Oraphim Oracle Channel are not normal by any means…given the extraordinary way they have of transforming people’s lives. They continue to put me in utter humbleness and awe of what wisdom flows forth.
At present, I truly love doing what I do. Watching the changes of those whose lives have been enriched is so fulfilling. I believe with all my heart that people who are drawn here know that we have a work of co-creation to achieve.
My intention is that if you have landed on this website that you would come here feeling spirit directed. DIA and I are delightfully in your service...
In Divine Love, Holly and DIA
Being in a religion which basically did not support these types of abilities in women, I felt forced to hide them. What little I did share was usually not understood or accepted.
I remember a Bishop who called me into his office and said, "Holly, I hear you have visions." I thought, "Oh no, here we go again".... but was shocked when he asked me if I would teach him how he could have them as well. He learned rapidly from what I shared and within several weeks called me up to share his first of many visions.
Although a rare moment..... it taught me that I was here for a reason.
In 1999,my body became severely ill with Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis to the extent that I became bedridden. (I have since learned that the combination of these two diseases is the number 1 most painful combination of all the illnesses there is.)
Not only did every muscle on my body painfully throb 24 hours a day but, my joints swelled and I began to lose use of my hands, hips and shoulders and began walking like a 90 year old woman.
I spent most of my time in bed, and didn't understand how this could happen to me. I was a mother raising 6 children and went from being the caretaker...to the one who was being taken care of.
It was "pure devastation" and began my initial stages of "wondering why".
During that time of great sadness and despair a wonderful process was taking place. I began to understand that although my physical was being challenged my spirit could forge ahead. Instead of helping others by taking in meals and serving in physical ways, I could offer prayer and hope.
I now see how this paved the way for me to open my abilities back up as miracles began to occur on a regular basis with those who asked me to pray for them.
I knew something incredible was happening. The power of my mind and intention, coupled with love, was making a profound difference in the lives of others. Miracles were occurring all around me.
Through these trials...I became aware of Reiki and researched it for several years before taking the plunge. This process of becoming attuned blew the doors wide open on my psychic and mediumship abilities. This became a huge problem for my religious beliefs since the information I was receiving from Ascended Masters and Archangels was not necessarily in sync with my religious foundation.
One evening a friend asked me if I wanted to have an Angel Card reading. I was intrigued and very curious but also nervous that I might be playing with something I shouldn't be playing with (Angels...seriously? Programming!)
In my religious training interacting with angels wasn't exactly taught as something you just "did".
I accepted the invitation for the Angel Reading and my dear girlfriend gave me a reading that was so clear, so heartfelt, so accurate I went home and pondered on it for hours. I knew something was happening to me and I couldn't deny it. I decided I wanted to see an angel and I wanted proof. I was going to pray deeply. As I knelt in prayer I pleaded to see an angel. I was so deeply sincere, almost as if I 'knew' it was going to happen.
Sure enough, one evening several weeks later, as I knelt to pray I heard a voice say, "Look up." I did...and the most glorious being I had ever encountered was floating above me in the air. She was so very large and had wings that were massive. She was beautiful beyond imagination and she spoke to me not in a voice, but clearly through the power of her mind. She spoke to me as if she had always known me, known my life and already knew my struggles and challenges without saying anything. I later learned that this being was my Higher Self that I was integrating. She was a Double Diamond Oraphim Oracle.
She told me that my path was going to change drastically and all that I had known would be left behind. I immediately felt such love and truth with every word she said. She spoke with me for what seemed like about 20 minutes on taking a new path spiritually. She also said that this new path was what I had volunteered to come here to earth to do. There was so much more to the message but I'm trying to give you the focus on the event, not the details. I had to replay the conversation in my mind again and again for days, for if what she was saying was true, it would require a sacrifice deeper than I'd ever thought possible.
My life changed in that moment. I awaited continued communication from her and it came consistently and with challenges...as my "old mode of thinking" had to be discarded for the newer and higher levels of truths she was teaching me (reminding me of).
More guides and angels came to teach me, more visions, and knowledge flowed into me. I was being taught by those not of this earth plane. They taught me that the ladder of truth has many rungs to it, and many primary truths must be let go of if I am to reach the next level of truth, higher perspective and love. It was beautiful, but these new truths also had great repercussions upon the life I had built up to that point.
My religion and all the people I had loved and cared for, along with most of my own family members, did NOT understand, and I gather they felt they could not support me anymore. I felt judged and felt very abandoned by them. I was also counseled by my religious leaders to conform, or I wouldn't be allowed to interact with them anymore. I was so distraught as I KNEW what I was doing was lovely and pure and had such Christed energy in it, how could doing what I was doing be wrong?
I continued to look for answers consistently turning to Spirit to teach me.
A few weeks after my "Angel Experience" I remember I was sitting on my couch and watched as a subway type vehicle drove across my living room and stopped in front of me. The doors flew open and I was inundated with spirits from the other side getting off the subway and wanting me to help them. The visual was mind boggling to say the least. I yelled for my Spirit Guide and asked him to help me! He gently told everyone that I was not prepared yet to assist them, and to kindly give me my space.
After that, I chose to stay true to this course of being taught so that I could assist the many that desired assistance. This proved to be quite a lonely process as I became estranged from my earthly family. They wanted the old me back, and with this unrest and desire for me to 'comply' to these situations brought about extreme anxiety and more of a desire to be true to myself. I love my family. I did not want to have the family being upset over my changes. But even with that deep, deep love for them, I knew that I could not be true to them if I wasn't living true to myself. These opportunities allowed me to see what love looks like by experiencing what love did NOT look like. It showed me contrast and gave me perspective.
Eventually, I set out on a path of my own. I had this desire....this need to experience what love looked like....and to test the truths of what I was being taught.
I fully understood how I was being treated by my family was not of love but of their feeling 'out of control' in not being able to get me to change me back into what they wanted, what they were used to, their old Mom, spouse, friend. I keep my heart open still holding a place of love hoping they will find a way to the path of unconditional love, forgiveness and the possibility of a greater, healthier relationship.
At a certain point, all paths to my career choices began being difficult for me as Spirit was showing me that it was time to begin my Spiritual Career. There was a great many fears I had to overcome as I made this transition however, I'm so very thankful for staying true.
Eventually, I went from a high paying sales job to being a Medium, then added other 'services' along the way: medical intuitive, psychic readings, angelic channeling, ascended master channeling, investigative, financial and relationships, and mentoring. The assigned Oracle Energies began to flow into me as I meditated I began to hear such beautiful messages (through channeling). The understanding of Higher Selves Construction and multi-dimensionality came through with the various energies aligning to that of my true nature...A Double Diamond Light Oraphim Crystal Oracle.
This has been the most "Grand Adventure Ever" and I stand grateful and in awe of such spirit support. When one is true to oneself, a deep peace and freedom arise within. When all is right within, the world can be complete chaos without and yet remain peaceful inside.
I think there is a moment in everyone's life when you move into your purpose here on earth. For so long it seems like such an elusive path...wondering if you'll ever find it. As you continue to have that desire and memory of why you came to earth restored to you, it will begin to unveil itself to you piece by piece. Eventually a picture begins to develop of what you are passionate about, what your gifts are, and the connection and magnetic pull to those who are here to assist or who you are to assist will flow forth.
I would’ve never dreamed myself of being an Oracle/Channel for anything in the world. It was not something I aspired to nor openly invited into my life. It was not something I was taught in my youth or passed down from my family. It was something I was put here to do, an innate desire to find truth where truth exists. In the process of finding out why I was here, I found my true nature and the promise of freedom and knowledge far beyond this earthly sojourn.
To be completely honest, I was a reluctant medium/psychic for years...staying in the closet and not wanting to accept it because of fear of not being accepted and being different. To accept it and embrace it meant an entire life change which affected my family, friends, religion and career choices.
I knew that 99% of all my support group would leave me and think I had lost my mind. What I did not understand was I was being lead to a community where I would be embraced by those seeking truth and love. My abilities would now be embraced, valued and appreciated. Had I only known when I let go of that rung on my ladder of indoctrinated beliefs... that more love, friendships and purpose would flow in abundantly to support and gather me into the arms of love.
Granted it took awhile for that to come about as I redirected my time and energy on being love unconditional and on attracting those who exhibited the same desires.
My Creed:
“Christ/Buddha Consciousness; an attitude and philosophy of life that creates unconditional love, oneness, joy, inner peace, equanimity, non judgmental, forgiveness, and compassion."
My life has been full of GREAT opportunities to grow. Each one of these experiences reinforces and reminds me of the highly intelligent and loving being I am. Each experience gives me practice in moving into Mastery of Mind, Body and Spirit. I give honor to these opportunities for growth and expansion. It's all about the game of remembrance and of the possibilities to find your higher self once again in a new and profound way.
In many ways I am just your normal everyday down to earth person but, these experiences as an Oraphim Oracle Channel are not normal by any means…given the extraordinary way they have of transforming people’s lives. They continue to put me in utter humbleness and awe of what wisdom flows forth.
At present, I truly love doing what I do. Watching the changes of those whose lives have been enriched is so fulfilling. I believe with all my heart that people who are drawn here know that we have a work of co-creation to achieve.
My intention is that if you have landed on this website that you would come here feeling spirit directed. DIA and I are delightfully in your service...
In Divine Love, Holly and DIA