After doing thousands upon thousands of readings, Spirit has some very unique and profound advise about certain subjects. I have found the information in these instant readings pretty much cover any subject you have a specific question about. Honestly, most of the specific details do not matter as much as the subject material.
The energy downloads during these 'Instant Readings' can offer peaceful information that will give you the extra insight you need to make the important decisions in your life and to see things from a different angle. Because of the unique "higher perspective" from the Spirit Team, each reading gives you a different, deeper and more meaningful look at what your situation truly is. This unique perspective reveals what the karmic lessons or contracts you are involved in..... always guiding you and allowing for your expansion on a very individualized basis.
When the recording is listened to, after several times the lessons are understood. Your capability to expand into a new clarity and pathway is opened. Think of these "Instant Readings" as a mini bolt of truth lightning that sparks new viewpoints on your dilemmas to provide you the next steps to take to find your best life. Very powerful... Much Love, DIA
1. I can’t seem to get along with my Mother/Father? How do I heal that? 3. A family member is so difficult for all to get along with. What do I do? 4. Please help me understand contract relationships with my family... 5. Do we have the right to divorce our family members? 6. Why do I seem to be the parent of my Mother/Father? 7. What if I don’t like the family I was born into? 9. How do I communicate with a loved one on the other side? 10. Will my kids be okay?
1. Should I take this new job? 2. Should I start looking for a new job? 3. I don’t feel fulfilled in my career/job....What can I do to feel better about it? 4. How do I find the career path I should be in? 5. I have an employee/employer I don’t trust. What is that all about? 6. How do I make my business more successful? 7. Is my new or current business going to succeed? 8. Should I shut my business down?
l. Why am I here?.....What is the purpose to life? 2. How do I find my unique life path? 3. What is this game of life really all about? 4. Can you tell me if I’m headed down the right track? 5. How do I become the creator of my life? 6. How do I learn how to maintain happiness?
1. What is ascension and what do I need to do to prepare for it? 2. How do I clear myself of past lives and negativity? 3. How do I develop a new psychic ability? 4. What does "raising one’s vibration" mean and how do I do it? 5. How do I learn to hear my Spirit Guides and Angels? 6. How do I get rid of any blocks in my spirituality? 7. How can I learn to channel? 8. How do I find out my Spirit Guide(’s) name(s)? 9. How do I access the Akashic Records? 10. How do I navigate dimensions and frequencies? 11. The art of understanding neutrality and happiness.